Mark Your Calendar!

We worship each Sunday at 11 AM. Below are special events:

March 9th—Set your clocks ahead when you go to bed—it’s Daylight Savings Time!

March 15th—Ladies’ Brunch at Mt. View, 11 am. Guest Speaker is Katie Stevenson. This is a potluck. Please RSVP to [email protected]

March 16th—“Solderin’ Sunday.” This is for boys, dads, grandpas, uncles—learn to solder. Please contact Scott for more information. Cost is 8$ for supplies.

March 22nd—Camp Annual Meeting @Mountain View, 2 pm.

March 29th—Men’s Breakfast. Please RSVP to [email protected]

March 30—Church Annual Meeting 2 pm. Potluck lunch between worship and meeting.

April 5th—Kids’ Craft Market. Fundraiser for camp tuition.